Jeff bezos,Bill gates, Mark

New York: After the threat of US President Trump, the wealth of the richest people in the world sank and they suffered a lot.

According to the business magazine Forbes Magazine, the international market saw a sharp decline on Friday and the index closed at a loss of 500 points. The US president had threatened China the previous day, claiming that he had evidence that the coronavirus had been developed in a Wuhan laboratory .

The world’s richest people investing in the international market have been hit hard by Trump’s threat and they have suffered huge losses. According to Forbes Magazine, Emma Zone suffered the most on the last day of the business week.

The world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, suffered a loss of ا 11.2 billion dollar in a single day, after which his assets fell 7.55 percent to 137.4 billion dollar. Jeff’s ex-wife also owns Amazon shares, so he also suffered a loss of four billion dollars. Tesla’s chief executive officer, Alan Musk, on the other hand, lost  3.2 billion dollar thanks to a tweet. He had earlier said in a tweet that the shares of his company Tesla were worth a lot. As soon as he tweeted, the company’s shares fell by 12% in the next few minutes.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates lost 1.2 billion dollar Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg lost 1.4 billion dollar.


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