United states of America

Corona virus wreaks economic havoc, US economy declines by 4.8%

The Corona virus is wreaking havoc, and the US economy is down 4.8 percent. A report released by the US Bureau of the Economy states that the decline in GDP was caused by the corona virus, which caused people to stay indoors.

According to the news agency, due to the decline in global demand, US imports have declined by 25.3%. The report said US exports fell 8.7 percent, while business investment fell 8.6 percent. The World News Agency quoted the US Bureau of Economic Affairs as saying that the decline in growth rate is far greater than the global recession.

On the other hand, due to the corona virus epidemic in the United States, millions of people have lost their jobs, many big companies and brands have been shut down, and the process of downsizing is also in full swing.


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