Dubai will loose the tourism industry

Like the rest of the world, Dubai is also affected by the corona virus. Lockdown could put thousands of people out of work in Dubai, while hotel workers are most at risk as tourism is severely affected or destroyed. One-third of hotel employees in Dubai are at risk.

According to research firm STR Global, the number of people visiting hotels has dropped sharply since the outbreak of the corona virus in Dubai, leaving 30 per cent of the hotel industry’s employees jobless. Philip Waller, director of STR Global’s Middle East and Africa, said in an interview that about 43,000 hotel rooms, about a third of the total, would probably remain closed until September.

He estimates that the industry employs about 40,000 people. “The loss from the job is estimated to be ‘minimal,'” Woller said. “Otherwise, you’re asking employers to pay out-of-pocket expenses.”

From the Roman columns of the Plaza Versi to the Ottoman dome of the Zabiel Inn, Dubai has built a collection of monuments to attract tourists. The city has about 120,000 rooms and a market where the market has been at the top of the world for many years. On the other hand, the Dubai 2020 International Exhibition has been postponed for a year due to the Corona epidemic.

The influx of people to Dubai has been around 23% since the beginning of April, with global epidemics halting tourism and the tourism industry around the world. The average global population is about 20%, and this includes the demand for medical staff and quarantine.

Tourism contributed 11.5% to Dubai’s economic output, with 16.7 million tourists visiting the city in 2019, according to the government. The UAE Tourism Authority estimates that by the end of February, 80 percent of the population had arrived.

Abu Dhabi’s hotels performed better by closing only 17 of the city’s 29,000 rooms. According to STR Global, the government leased 50% of the hotel rooms for medical staff and quarantine, causing less damage to the hotel.

“Dubai Tourism INDUSTRY facing serious FINANCIAL issues due to CORONA virus” 30% peoples will loosing their jobs related this industry


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