Corona Virus in pakistan
Corona Virus

According to the National Command and Control Center, the number of corona cases in the country is increasing day by day, which has now reached 21,501, while with 24 more deaths, 486 people have died due to this deadly virus.

Corona Updated statistics in pakistan

According to the latest statistics, 1315 new cases were reported in 24 hours. However, the number of people recovering from corona in Pakistan is 5,782 and the number of people recovering from corona in the last 24 hours is 192. The number of people infected with corona in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is 3,288 and 7,000 in Sindh. 882, 8,103 in Punjab, 1,321 in Balochistan. There are 464 in Islamabad, 372 in Gilgit-Baltistan and 71 in Azad Kashmir.


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