Imam Kabah

Saudi Arab decided to offer 10 rakah prayer taraweeh in the Haram mosque and the mosque AL Nabawi.

In Saudi Arabia, a big decision has been made regarding Ramadan. Imam Ka’bah Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Sadis said that the Taraweeh prayers at the mosque and the mosque will only be administered by the mosques and the attendants. The Taraweeh consists of 10 rakahs

According to Sheikh Abdur rahman al-Saudis, the ban on worshipers in both mosques will remain intact.

According to Imam Ka’bah Shaykh Abdul Rahman al-Sadis, the last decade of Ramadan will be the ban on Itikaf and iftar will not conducted in Both Mosques (Haram-Kabah- and Masjid Al Nabwai).


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