Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Tags Lock down

Tag: Lock down

Vacations of school may be extended Ministry of Education

Dr. Murad Raas, Minister for Education Government of the Punjab has said that school get-aways might be stretched out till August 15....

Saudi government announces 24-hour curfew during Eid holidays Saudi government announces 24-hour curfew during Eid holidays

The joys of Eid in Saudi Arabia have been locked down. No one was seen or left on the day of Eid....

Universities may Reopen for Conducting Exams, says HEC

Higher education Commission HEC, Islamabad is thinking about reviving colleges to conduct exams in the colleges. In spite of the fact that...

I said don’t leave me alone in quarantine, Haniya Amir

Actress Haniya Aamir, who has been a part of Showbiz's dazzle due to tick-tock videos, has shared a new video in which...

British scientist did not follow the advice of lockdown and lost his job.

When the corona virus spread in the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was advised by scientist Professor Neil Ferguson to launch a...

The number of corona virus patients in Pakistan has exceeded 21,000

According to the National Command and Control Center, the number of corona cases in the country is increasing day by day, which...

Apple Face ID featureNow even wearing a mask will be able to unlock the phone

NEW YORK: Models that unveil the iPhone's face recognition will now be able to be unlocked with a face mask.

Suggest eating more potato chips!

Potato is an evergreen vegetable that is an important part of our daily diet and most people are unaware of its advantages...

Punjab government launches app for students

Lahore: The Punjab government has introduced an app called 'Taleem Ghar' for the convenience of students in lockdownAccording...

Corona virus: Doctors call on government to tighten lockdown

According to details, as the number of victims of the Corona virus spread across the country, doctors expressed concern that the government...
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Just What Is a Federally Fully Guaranteed Student Loan? The federally guaranteed in full education loan system ended June 30, 2010.

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