The Review

Russia ranks third in the growing number of corona cases

Russia ranks third in the growing number of corona cases The number of new cases of corona virus has risen in Russia, with 11,565 cases reported in 24 hours. The total number of cases of corona virus in Russia reached 221,344. The situation in the Russian capital, Moscow, is deteriorating. So far, 115,000 cases have been reported.

The number of people infected with the corona virus worldwide has exceeded 4.3 million, while the death toll is close to 285,000. More than 2.46 million patients are still being treated in hospitals worldwide, of which 47,000. The condition of 648 is critical while 1,493,401 patients have recovered and returned.

The United States tops the list of countries affected by corona, where not only corona cases but also deaths are still the highest in the world. The corona virus has killed 80,787 people in the United States so far. The number of people affected by the disease has reached 1,367,638.