The Review

Punjab Curriculum and Text Book Board’s big move, Make the books available on the website

The Punjab Curriculum and Text Book Board publishes all public school books on its website. All books from 1st to 12th grade can be downloaded for free from the website.

According to details, textbooks were stopped in Punjab to prevent the spread of corona virus. Books from kindergarten to twelfth grade, taught in public schools, are available on the website. Private text books can also be obtained from the Punjab Text Book Board website.There will be no charge for downloading books from the web.The textbook board says that more than 1.5 million children will be benefited from the books on the website. It is to be noted that earlier the education house was started by the government. Launched in the name of the Television School, the channel teaches children through the channel throughout the day.

In this regard, Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan said that the purpose of launching Television School broadcasts on Pakistan Television Channel is to equip every Child with the advent of education. This way children in remote areas can get free quality education, he said.
He said that the government has started the program in the wake of transport and school unavailability in rural areas and closure of educational institutions due to corona virus.

Further Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan said that with proper support from the government and non-government partners, this procedure has been adopted to equip the common man’s child with the means of education. On the other hand, private schools were reduced by 20%, which many schools were not implementing.
In this regard, Provincial Education Minister Dr Murad Rass has said that a helpline has been set up for complaints of overcharges by private schools.

In his message on Twitter, Dr Murad Rass addressed the parents of the children and complained that if a school does not reduce the 20% fee. Complaints can be made Monday-Friday from 9am to 4pm on 04299205101. According to his information, private schools are cooperating in terms of fees.

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