Major Samia Amir UN peace keeping mission

Pakistani Major Samia, who is on a UN peacekeeping mission in the Congo, says his 2-year-old son calls and asks Mama when will you be back? However, they are always ready to take on the challenge of the corona virus. The story of Major Samia Rehman was revealed on Monday by the account of the UN peacekeeping mission.

Major Samia says her 2-year-old son asks when she will be back. Despite the trouble, she is ready to deal with Corona’s challenge. She says her passion for work has multiplied because of the Corona virus together. Can be defeated. A team of 15 female officers, including majors and captains, has been on the UN peacekeeping mission since June last year. It may be recalled that in February 2020, the Pakistani contingent on a peacekeeping mission in the Congo was awarded the UN Peacekeeping Medal, which includes psychologists, vocational training officers, doctors, nurses, operations officers and information officers.


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