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Messenger Rooms: Facebook Introduces New Video Chat Service.

Facebook has introduced a new video chat service called “Messenger Rooms” to compete with Zoom, which allows up to 50 people to talk together, without having to have a Facebook account.

According to the details, the social networking website Facebook has introduced a new video chat service of Zoom competition through which it will be possible to talk to 50 users simultaneously.

In this regard, the news agency AFP says that the e-chat service can be used through Facebook Messenger and the internet users who do not have a Facebook account can also join the video call. Launched as Messenger Rooms, the new service allows you to connect with your friends and family at any time.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, told AFP about the new chat service: “The app will be open on a computer or phone, and you can also get in touch with people you don’t usually communicate with.” Will be able.

Mark Zuckerberg said that in the current situation, the lack of communication in the world is being felt severely, and in such cases, this service will make it easier to restore communication.

You don’t need to have a Facebook account or download the Messenger app to join a video chat room. Mark Zuckerberg said he would receive a link to a video chat invitation that would allow him to enter the messenger room.

In the absence of an app, this link will automatically open in the browser allowing you to join chat rooms with other users. Only those who receive invitations will be allowed to enter these chat rooms.