Mufti Muneeb ur rahman
Mufti Muneeb ur rahman

According to details, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, chairman of the Royat Hilal Committee, while talking to media representatives at Karachi Press Club, said that lockdown would not apply to mosques from today.

Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman said that the term lockdown would not be used for mosques from today and mosques would be functional.

He further said that we have assured the government that the medical advice of the social distance will be fully implemented and all worships including the Panjgun (five times) prayer, Friday prayer and Taraweeh should be arranged in the mosques.

It is to be noted that to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, the government had also banned Friday prayers in the mosques due to lockdown in the mosques to make social distance between the people.


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