Khawaja Muhammad Islam, author of the book “Scene of Death”, died in Lahore at the age of 85 due to sudden cardiac arrest. Khwaja Muhammad Islam’s book Death Scene has gained immense popularity all over the world and has so far been published in millions of languages.
Inspired by the scene of the book of death, the late Shah Faisal made Khawaja Muhammad Islam perform Hajj on his invitation, also gave pieces of shroud of Kaaba and other gifts. This book was very common and widely read in the nineties.
Children, old and young all seemed to be addicted to this book. Parents used to buy this book for their children. Those who read this book are puzzled as to what stages a person has to go through after death, what kind of punishment is there for sins and what is the good news for those who are virtuous and follow the commands of Allah.
Khawaja Muhammad Islam authored about 33 books, including The Book of Paradise, The Scene of Hajj, The Mother’s Prayer, The Wind of Paradise, and The Teachings of Islam. He was buried at Ichhra Cemetery, Lahore after the funeral prayers.