The Review

Karan Johar called Priyanka Chopra cowardly: A Fight, But Why??

The question is what turned out badly between Karan Johar and Priyanka Chopra and how the team fixed up?

The incident happened when separated from her films, Priyanka Chopra was making news for her closeness to Shah Rukh Khan. Bits of gossip about something blending between the two was standing out as truly newsworthy for additional reasons than one. It was said that Karan Johar, who happens to be a dear companion of Gauri Khan, was not prepared to release the entirety of that away this without any problem.

Everything began with a Mumbai Mirror report which had said that a “specific companion of Priyanka Chopra saying that the artist heard obnoxious remarks about her being made by a ground-breaking producer-director.” Whether or not it was aimed at Karan Johar was not known, yet the executive took it upon himself and charged at it.

Reason of Fight

In a progression of tweets, Karan had expressed, “Utilizing their employed PR machinery and holing up behind purported “companions” to get news into tabloids is only cowardly and lame.

While Priyanka Chopra kept an apathetic quietness over the issue, Karan Johar, himself had uncovered later that he burst out at Priyanka Chopra very badly . “I got the telephone and responded like a pressure cooker”, said Karan. He further said  i understood it wasn’t justified, despite any potential benefits. I called her and said I was turning 40. I have an extraordinary EQ (emotional quotient) with her. I’ve imparted a few warm minutes to PeeCee. Since I am the more seasoned one, I chose to be mature,” Johar told Times of India.

A deep friendship relation between Priyanka – Karan

Be that as it may, years after the fact, Karan Johar and Priyanka Chopra get along truly well. When Karan had griped of not being welcome to Priyanka – Nick’s wedding, Chopra had stated, “Actually at my wedding, we needed to take individuals’ telephones and store them. So Serena Williams did this astonishing thing which resembles a little sack that you have. So you give individuals the packs, they put their telephones inside and you lock it. You can keep the telephone however on the off chance that you ever need to utilize it, you need to return to get it opened. We had a versatile police stand. That is the best way to control it in any case the photos that the world see is you doing some irregular thing. Why you figure you weren’t welcomed? Cause I would have never got your telephone.”