Corona virus patients

Health experts have claimed that a patient with the deadliest Covid 19 virus cannot be infected again once he recovers.

According to a report by a foreign news agency, the coronavirus epidemic has affected millions of people around the world, causing widespread panic. However, due to the hard work of doctors, more than one million patients have recovered. Have also happened.

Experts from South Korea have claimed after a study that a patient infected with the deadliest coronavirus could not be infected again, following a suspicion that raised concerns. In South Korea, Japan and China, people recovering from the corona are again falling victim to the virus.

Ahreen said that the second time the diagnosis of a deadly virus in healthy people is the result of a malfunctioning test, the reason for the re-test report being positive is the ineffective pieces of the virus in the body and these pieces are not even caught in the traditional test. It should be noted that the number of people infected with the newest and deadliest Covid 19 virus in the world has reached more than 36.86 million and the number of those who have recovered has reached only 1.220 million while the number of deaths has reached 255,000.


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