The discussion between HEC and Universities Regarding Admissions, Assessments and Examinations
Finally HEC solved the issues ragarding Higher Education facing due to Covid-19 Pandemic. The Higher Education Commission make discussion with Universities regarding admission, assesment and examination procedures. On other side, HEC is trying to recover all academic losses of universities and for this reason HEC is taking all necessary steps.
Now the universities going to start online classes after discussion with HEC. The online classes will be properly held form June 1, 2020, announced by HEC. At the start of lockdown, the HEC had decided to offer online education to students. But due to poor Learning Management System (LMS) it couldn’t possible to start online education for students. But in the light of current situations it is to be advised to universities and other educational institutions to arrange proper LMS, said HEC. But it comes to see that some universities already running LMS for online education and it is highly appreciated.
The exams and admission procedures were also the part of discussion. It has decided in meeting that universities would take final exams for the current semester. Also advised by HEC to universities to cover their course through online education. However, the method of conducting of exams is under discussion yet i.e by taking the online exams or others.