Firdos Ashiq Awan

A clip on social media is going viral in which a female sensation program is auctioned for money and Firdous Ashiq Awan is joking about it.

Firdous Ashiq Awan asks a woman for money to ask when you received the message for help and what will you do with the money now.

To which the women respond that they have eight children, on which they will spend this money.

On this, Firdous lover Awan asks: What else does your husband do besides this (childbirth)? People standing close to the auxiliary special also start laughing.

On this clip, Firdous lover Awan becomes criticized.

Social media users say that Firdous Ashiq does not give such questions to Awan. It is their personal problem to have as many children as they want. The question of Firdous Ashiq Awan may have stirred the heart among the men there. As a woman they did not want to ask other women this kind of question.


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