Donald Trum avoid to wear face mask

The world is battling an epidemic and deadly disease called Corona, and the World Health Organization seems to be advising everyone to take precautions, while Corona has targeted prominent people and leaders in several countries. President Donald Trump refused to wear a mask and not only refused, but also presented a new logic of his own.

US President Donald Trump says wearing a security mask would be misunderstood and could hurt his popularity in the next election, affecting the results.

His medical team has repeatedly tried to persuade the US president to use a mask, but Trump is unwilling to accept. Trump believes that if he wears a face mask, his priority will be personal health, not the recovery of the US economy.

Donald Trump did not wear a mask during a visit to a face mask factory a few days ago. He has opposed the use of face masks in the past. He told his advisers that several previous US presidents have opposed face masks.

Donald Trump says he does not like to see heads of state coming to the White House wearing face masks. Melania Trump, the wife of the US President, has also faced scorn for telling people to wear masks.


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