Wuhan City corona Virus again

Confirming 6 new Corona cases, the Wuhan government decided to test every citizen

After a long lockdown, life in the Chinese city of Wuhan began to return to normal and now 6 new corona cases have come to light. Corona has also been confirmed in 5 more people of a residential colony but we have not seen any sign of corona in them yet. The Wuhan local government has announced that every citizen in Wuhan will be tested for corona in ten days. Citizens who do not have symptoms will also have to be tested, while a country like the United States also lacks testing kits.

QR codes are being used to monitor the movements of citizens in South Korea when 100 new cases come to light. Even CCT footage is being used to test suspected patients. Government officials say the disease will be brought under control by taking drastic measures before the situation gets out of control again. They say the situation will not be allowed to get so bad now that there is no need to lock down again. This time the virus will not be allowed to spread like before because the steps taken in the last 3 months are enough for the virus.


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