Thursday, December 24, 2020

News Desk


Well known TV host and actor Tariq Aziz has passed away

Leading compiler and actor Tariq Aziz has passed away. Tariq Aziz became famous from the blue house of PTV.

The biggest breakthrough in the treatment of corona is the discovery of a life-saving drug

Pharmaceutical companies and medical experts around the world are working hard to find a cure for the globally dangerous Coronavirus epidemic, which...

Punjab Health Department decides to close several areas of Lahore

Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmeen Rashid has announced the closure of most areas of Lahore for two weeks in view of coronavirus....

Nadeem Afzal Chan’s “Mukhtara” has contracted the coronavirus

I had explained to Mukhtara that Gul Hun has grown up a lot, sit at home, he was careful but he was...

How did Shahbaz Sharif and other league leaders fall victim to Corona Virus?

How did PML-N leaders including Shahbaz Sharif, Ahsan Iqbal, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Maryam Aurangzeb fall victim to the corona virus? Various videos...

Shahbaz Sharif’s deteriorating health will have to answer, Maryam Nawaz

According to details, the daughter of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif while confirming that PML-N President Shahbaz Sharif was infected with the...

How did Corona happen despite being locked in the house for four months? Learn from Gharida Farooqi

How did Corona happen despite being locked in the house for four months? Learn from Gharida FarooqiTalking to...

Shahbaz Sharif’s Corona test also came positive

PML-N president and opposition leader Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif is also a victim of corona virus.According to a...

Aamir Khan and his wife Faryal Makhdoom announced to start a child protection fund named after the victim girl “Zahra Shah”.

Boxer Aamir Khan and his wife Faryal Makhdoom have announced to start a children's protection fund in the name of the victim...

Did you hear that Sana Mickey has a cure for the coronavirus?

According to the details, Sana Mickey is currently being offered as a treatment on social media websites for the deadly coronavirus, which...


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