Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Muhammad Bilal


Being an Entrepreneur Life

Entrepreneur DefineEntrepreneurship is the ability to develop, organize and run a business along with the uncertainties in order...

Health Benefits of Green Tea

A Scientific Research on the Use of Green TeaIn an investigation of randomized controlled preliminaries, people who...

The Artificial Intelligence: A Change in the Role of CIO

The job of the Chief Information Officer has become throughout the years. The problematic capability of man-made brainpower, Internet of things and quickly creating...

Hepatitis Patients, Worst condition in hospitals

Treatment of hepatitis patients in government hospitals is at its worst due to the focus on the corona virus. Diagnostic tests for...

Dubai Purposes to make available for Tourists at the Start of July

Helal Al Marri, director general of Dubai Dept. of Tourism and Commerce, speaks on “Bloomberg daybreak, Middle east”Dubai...

How an Entrepreneur can be socially responsible

A guide to social entrepreneurSocial entrepreneur utilizes business to offer new thoughts for wide-scale social and ecological effect....

Times Higher Education: The 23 Pakistani Universities Include in THE Impact Ranking 2020

The 23 Pakistani universities are selected in Times Higher Education Impact ranking 2020. An aggregate of 766 universities from 85 nations were...

Nimra Khan Reveals How She Lost Weight With Her One Week Diet Plan

Nimra Khan is a Pakistani model, on-screen character, and chief who has become famous in the showbiz business. With her first film...

Interview of Governor Punjab with Pharmaceutical Association Delegate

A meeting of the delegation of Pharmaceutical Association with Governor Punjab Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar, donated Rs. 5 million to the Corona Relief...

Punjab Curriculum and Text Book Board’s big move, Make the books available on the website

The Punjab Curriculum and Text Book Board publishes all public school books on its website. All books from 1st to 12th grade...


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