The Review

America: The last message from the man who died in Corona to his wife

The last message from the man who died in Corona to his wife

According to international media, a few days ago, on April 22, a 32-year-old man named Jonathan died of corona virus in the United States, after which his wife Katie received a message from her husband’s mobile phone which sent her husband. Added to the grief of his death.

According to katie, his wife rushed to see Jonathan after receiving a message from the hospital asking him to come to the hospital for an urgent visit, but she could not see her husband at the last minute because he had died. As she was taking all her belongings back home after her husband’s death in the hospital, she saw her husband’s mobile phone in which she received the last message from her husband.

According to Jonathan’s wife, her husband wrote in his message that Katie loves you and her children very much and you gave me the best life I could ever have imagined. Be lucky

“I am proud to be the father of my two children, Braden and Penny, and to be your husband, Katie. You are the most beautiful and caring person in my life,” Jonathan added before his death. The truth is that I have lived a happy life with you and you have been a great mother to our children.

The American man further wrote that if you ever meet someone in life and he loves you as well as our children, you should hold his hand.

Finally, Jonathan wrote that no matter what happens, you should always be happy. Katie said she was saddened to read her husband’s last message and was encouraged by her husband’s message.

Katie added that her husband worked in the court and the nature of his job was such that he had to go to the office in any case, which resulted in him falling prey to Corona.

A man named Jonathan battled the corona virus for 28 days but finally lost his life on April 22.