Amazon Cuts Commission

Amazon has cut the commission rates for its affiliate program by up to 7% for certain item classifications.

The organization has informed the Amazon Associates program individuals from the change to its approach in an email, including that the new rates will be compelling from 21st April 2020.

Here is the Email that sends by Amazon to his Associates.

Hello Associate,

We hope you are staying well during this time. We are writing to inform you of upcoming changes to the Amazon Associates Program Operating Agreement, which governs your participation in the Amazon Associates Program. All changes are effective as of April 21, 2020.

Visit the What’s Changed page to see a summary of these changes. You can also find the Operating Agreement, Program Policies, and the Fee Statement if you would like to refer to the current, pre-change versions.


The Amazon Associates Program

The greatest drop is for furniture and home improvement items, which will presently yield a commission of 3%, down from 8%. Also, the rate for staple items has been diminished from 5% to 1%.

Countless affiliates individuals utilize the program to procure a level of every deal.

While the individuals are ascribing the change to corona virus pandemic, be that as it may, Amazon representative has wouldn’t remark on the issue,

Here are the rates of some before and after changes in Commission rates.


After Changes Affiliate Commission Rates:

after new rates.


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