Salman Iqbal ARY Office

Corona virus reaches media houses, 8 ARY TV employees test positive for corona

According to the details, the monster of corona virus has now reached the media houses. Chairman of private channel ARY Salman Iqbal tweeted sad news that 8 people of his channel have tested positive for corona.

Salman Iqbal tweeted, “As a precautionary measure, we have tested the corona of employees in our Islamabad office. 8 out of 20 employees have tested positive, while two employees have shown symptoms. The Islamabad office has been closed and employees have been ordered to stay at home. As a precaution, it has been decided to test all employees.

It may be recalled that as soon as the corona virus spread, various journalists’ organizations started demanding that significant arrangements be made in the offices to ensure the safety of journalists.


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